Attack on Titan Season 4 Review


Attack on Titan Season 4 is the final season of the popular anime series that tells the story of a world where humanity lives in fear of giant human-like creatures called Titans. The series has gained a massive following since its debut in 2013 and this season promises to be the ultimate culmination of the journey of protagonist Eren Yeager and his friends.


The final season of Attack on Titan sees Eren and his group infiltrating the enemy nation of Marley, who possess the power of the Titans. The story deals with the themes of betrayal, war, and the morality of violence. Fans of the original manga series will know what to expect, but for anime-only audience members, Season 4 takes the story in a new direction that they may not expect.


As expected from the previous seasons, the animation in Attack on Titan Season 4 is top-notch. The fight scenes are fluidly animated and the Titan design is as haunting as ever. The character designs have matured along with the story, and the backgrounds and cityscapes are incredibly detailed.


The soundtrack of Attack on Titan Season 4 is epic, with stirring orchestral pieces that complement the intensity of the battle scenes. The opening and ending themes are standout tracks that do an excellent job of setting the tone for the season.


Attack on Titan Season 4 is a fitting end to one of the most beloved anime series of the past decade. The new direction that the story takes may not sit well with some fans, but the high-quality animation and soundtrack more than make up for any misgivings. This season will surely leave a lasting impression on the anime community, and Eren Yeager’s journey will be remembered for years to come.







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