Anime Review: Attack on Titan


Attack on Titan is a Japanese anime series based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama. The story is set in a world where humanity lives in cities surrounded by giant walls to protect themselves from Titans, humanoid creatures who devour humans without reason. The series follows the main protagonist, Eren Yeager, his childhood friend Mikasa Ackerman, and their friend Armin Arlert as they join the military to fight against Titans and unveil the mystery behind them.


The characters in Attack on Titan are complex and multifaceted, each with their unique personalities, strengths, and flaws. Eren is a hot-headed and impulsive person who has a burning desire to avenge his mother’s death by Titans. Mikasa is a skilled fighter and is fiercely protective of Eren. Armin is strategic and intelligent but lacks physical strength. The supporting characters, including fellow soldiers in the military, also have distinct personalities and backstories that add depth to the overall narrative.


The plot in Attack on Titan is intense, action-packed, and engaging from the very first episode. The story progresses with each episode, revealing more about the intricacies of the world and its characters. The main mystery behind Titans and the origins of the walls that protect the cities keep viewers on edge and constantly guessing. The pacing of the series is well-done and keeps the audience invested in the story.

Animation and Soundtrack

The animation in Attack on Titan is top-notch, with smooth and fluid movement during action scenes, and stunning visual composition throughout the series. The soundtrack, featuring music by Hiroyuki Sawano, complements the anime’s intensity and adds to the emotional impact of the plot. The opening theme, “Guren no Yumiya,” is a pumped-up rock anthem that fans of the series adore.


Attack on Titan is a thrilling anime that has gained a massive fan following worldwide. The series boasts an exciting plot, complex characters, and incredible animation and soundtrack. The ending of each season leaves fans on edge, eagerly waiting for the next. Overall, Attack on Titan is a must-watch for fans of the action, thriller, and sci-fi genres.







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