Attack on Titan Season 4: Part 1 Review


Attack on Titan Season 4: Part 1 is the final installment of the popular anime series, Attack on Titan. The series is set in a world where human beings live behind massive walls to protect themselves from the Titans, giant humanoid creatures that devour humans without reason. The story follows the protagonist, Eren Yeager, and his friends as they fight against the Titans and uncover the mysteries behind their origin.

Plot and Characters

The final installment of Attack on Titan Season 4: Part 1 is thrilling, with plenty of action and suspense. The series picks up where Season 3 Part 2 left off, with Eren and his friends infiltrating Marley, a nation that is home to the Titans’ creators. The series explores the themes of freedom, loyalty, and sacrifice, as the main characters find themselves torn between their desire to protect their loved ones and the need to fight for what they believe in.

The characters undergo substantial growth throughout the series, with Eren becoming increasingly determined to uncover the truth about the Titans and the world they live in. Other characters, such as Mikasa and Armin, also play significant roles in the series and are given ample screen time to develop as individuals.

Animation and Music

The animation of Attack on Titan Season 4: Part 1 is impressive and consistent with the previous seasons. The Titans are animated in great detail, adding to the feeling of horror and tension while watching the show. The fight scenes are particularly well done, with fluid motion and careful attention to detail.

The music is also noteworthy, with the opening and ending themes befitting the high stakes of the series. The soundtrack manages to capture the emotions of scenes and enhance the overall viewing experience.

Final Thoughts

Overall, Attack on Titan Season 4: Part 1 is a fantastic conclusion to the anime series. It maintains the suspense and action from the previous seasons while adding layers of depth to the characters and story. The animation and music are both excellent, bringing the anime to life. Fans of the series will find themselves on the edge of their seats until the end credits roll.







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