Attack on Titan Season 4


Attack on Titan Season 4, also known as Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season, is the final season of the popular anime series adapted from the manga of the same name. The first episode aired on December 7, 2020, and the season will comprise of 16 episodes.


The story follows the war between the Paradis Island Eldians and the Marleyan nation, where the Eldians are fighting for their survival. The main protagonist, Eren Yeager, along with his friends in the Survey Corps, embark on a journey to uncover secrets about the Titans and the history of their world.

The storyline takes a darker turn in this final season, as it delves deeper into the politics and philosophy of the two nations. The audience witnesses the consequences of war and how it affects not only the soldiers fighting in it but also their families and the people around them.


The animation quality of this season is top-notch, with smooth transitions and stunning visuals. The detailed character designs and the intricate backgrounds add to the overall experience of the show.

The fight scenes are intense and well choreographed, showcasing the characters’ strengths and weaknesses. The use of different camera angles and perspectives adds to the suspense and captures the audience’s attention.


The soundtrack for this season is composed by Hiroyuki Sawano, who has previously created some breathtaking music for the series. The new soundtrack is no exception, with epic scores and emotional themes that perfectly fit the scenes.

The opening and ending themes are also excellent, with catchy tunes and visually stunning sequences.


Overall, Attack on Titan Season 4 is a testament to the brilliance of the source material and the adaptation team. The storyline is engaging, the animation is stunning, the soundtrack is powerful, and the themes are thought-provoking.

As a fan of the series, I highly recommend watching this final season, as it ties up all loose ends and delivers a satisfying conclusion to the story.







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