Attack on Titan Season 4 Review


Attack on Titan Season 4 is the final season of the popular anime series based on the manga by Hajime Isayama. The series is set in a world where humanity is on the brink of extinction due to the Titans, gigantic humanoid creatures that devour humans without reason. The series follows Eren Jaeger and his friends as they fight against the Titans and uncover the truth about their existence.


The story of Attack on Titan Season 4 focuses on the ongoing conflict between the Eldian people, who can transform into Titans, and the Marleyans, who are at war with them. The series introduces new characters while also developing existing ones as their allegiances are tested.

The story is complex and multi-layered, with political intrigue and moral ambiguity. It raises questions about power, oppression, and the nature of humanity. The plot twists and turns, keeping the viewers on the edge of their seats.


The animation in Attack on Titan Season 4 is top-notch. The series is visually stunning, with beautifully drawn characters and detailed landscapes. The action scenes are particularly impressive, with fast-paced movements and dynamic camera angles.

The color palette is darker and more subdued than previous seasons, reflecting the serious tone of the story. The attention to detail is remarkable, from the Titans’ grotesque appearances to the intricate costumes of the characters.


The sound design in Attack on Titan Season 4 is excellent. The music, composed by Hiroyuki Sawano, is epic and emotional, adding to the intensity of the scenes. The opening and closing themes are particularly memorable, capturing the themes of the series perfectly.

The voice acting is superb, with the actors bringing the characters to life. The emotions are raw and genuine, making the viewers empathize with the characters’ struggles.


Overall, Attack on Titan Season 4 is a masterpiece of anime storytelling. With its complex plot, stunning animation, and powerful sound design, it is a fitting conclusion to an already excellent series. It is a must-watch for fans of the series and anyone who enjoys anime with depth and substance.







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