Attack on Titan Review


Attack on Titan is an anime that takes place in a world where humans live inside a system of walls to protect themselves from giant humanoid creatures called Titans. The show follows Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlet as they fight to defend humanity against the Titans.


The story is dark and intense, with plenty of plot twists that keep the viewer engaged throughout. The show starts by introducing us to the world in which the characters live, and gradually builds up the tension as the Titans slowly begin to appear. As the plot progresses, new factions are introduced and complications arise as the characters struggle to survive.


The characters are well-developed and likable. Eren is a stubborn protagonist who is determined to defeat the Titans and protect his friends, while Mikasa is an emotionally detached warrior who fights fiercely to keep Eren safe. Armin serves as the more intellectual member of the group who provides strategic insight when it is needed. However, the show doesn’t shy away from killing off characters, so viewers should be prepared for emotional gut punches.

Animation and Sound

The animation in Attack on Titan is top-notch, with fluid movements and intense action scenes. The Titans themselves are grotesque and terrifying, which adds to the overall sense of dread in the show. The music is equally impressive, with epic orchestral pieces and haunting choral arrangements that further enhance the show’s dark atmosphere.


Overall, Attack on Titan is an outstanding anime that is sure to captivate viewers with its gripping storyline, well-developed characters, and stunning animation and sound design. Whether you’re a fan of action, horror, or drama, this series is definitely worth a watch.







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