Attack on Titan Season 4


Attack on Titan is a popular anime series based on the manga of the same name. The story takes place in a world where humanity lives in fear of Titans, giant humanoid creatures that eat humans for no apparent reason. Season 4, the final season of the series, takes a darker turn as it explores the political and social conflicts between the residents of Paradis Island and the outside world.


Season 4 of Attack on Titan follows Eren Yeager and his comrades as they fight to protect their home from foreign invaders. The Marleyan army launches a surprise attack on Paradis Island to reclaim the Founding Titan, a powerful Titan that can control other Titans. Throughout the season, the audience is introduced to new characters, including Gabi, a Marleyan warrior who seeks to avenge her fallen comrades, and Falco, a kind-hearted boy who wants to save Gabi from the horrors of war.

The season is full of twists and turns, with each episode leaving the audience on the edge of their seat. The storyline is complex and multi-layered, with themes of war, racism, and the consequences of revenge.

Animation and Soundtrack

The animation in Season 4 is impressive, with detailed character designs and fluid action sequences. The dark and gritty tone of the season is reflected in the color scheme, with muted colors that add to the overall tension of the story.

The soundtrack is also a highlight of the season. Composer Hiroyuki Sawano continues to deliver epic and emotional tracks that perfectly complement the on-screen action. The opening and ending themes are also memorable, with “My War” by Shinsei Kamattechan and “Shock” by Yuko Ando.


Attack on Titan Season 4 is an intense and emotional rollercoaster that delivers on all fronts. The storyline is compelling, the animation is top-notch, and the soundtrack is unforgettable. It’s a fitting end to the series, with a satisfying conclusion that wraps up the story while still leaving the audience wanting more.







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