Attack on Titan


Attack on Titan is an anime that revolves around Eren Yeager, his childhood friends Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert, and the rest of the Survey Corps as they struggle against the Titans, giant humanoid creatures that devour humans.


The story begins with the destruction of Eren’s hometown by Titans. Eren witnesses his mother’s death and vows to eradicate all Titans. He joins the Survey Corps, a branch of the military that fights Titans outside the walls that protect humanity. Together, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin face the terror of Titans and uncover the truth behind their existence.

Over the course of the series, the characters face numerous challenges, including battles against powerful Titans, betrayals from within, and a government conspiracy to cover up the truth about Titans. The anime is known for its shocking twists and unexpected deaths of major characters.

Animation and Sound

Attack on Titan features stunning animation with fast-paced action scenes and detailed character designs. The use of CGI for the Titans creates a uniquely unsettling tone, and the sound effects and music enhance the tension and fear.


The characters in Attack on Titan are well-developed and complex, with their motivations and pasts revealed throughout the series. Eren is a hot-headed protagonist, Mikasa is strong and fiercely loyal, and Armin is intelligent and strategic.

Other notable characters include Levi, a skilled leader in the Survey Corps, and Historia, a member of the royal family with a mysterious past.


Overall, Attack on Titan is a thrilling and emotional anime with engaging characters, a gripping storyline, and impressive animation and sound. The series has gained a massive following worldwide and is a must-watch for anime fans.







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