Attack on Titan Season 1 Review


Attack on Titan is a popular anime series that first aired in 2013. The first season consists of 25 episodes and is based on the manga series of the same name. The story is set in a world where humanity is forced to live inside a system of walls to protect themselves from giant humanoid creatures known as Titans. The main character is Eren Yeager, who joins the military to fight against the Titans and uncover the truth behind them.


The story of Attack on Titan is intense and action-packed. The main plot revolves around the mystery of the Titans and their origin. The first few episodes serve as an introduction to the world and the characters, but things quickly escalate as the Titans breach the walls and throw humanity into chaos. The story does an excellent job of building tension and keeping the audience engaged.


Attack on Titan has a large cast of characters, but the main ones are well-developed and likable. Eren Yeager is a determined protagonist who is willing to do whatever it takes to protect his friends and family. Mikasa Ackerman is a skilled fighter who cares deeply for Eren. Armin Arlert is the brains of the group, providing strategic insights and logical reasoning.


The animation in Attack on Titan is stunning. The Titans are incredibly detailed and look terrifyingly real. The fight scenes are well choreographed and flow smoothly. The colors are vibrant and add to the overall impact of the series.


The soundtrack for Attack on Titan is one of the best in anime. The opening theme, “Guren no Yumiya,” is a catchy and powerful rock song that perfectly sets the tone for the series. The background music is also impressive, adding to the emotional impact of the story.


Overall, Attack on Titan is a must-watch anime series for fans of action and mystery. The story is engaging, the characters are likable, and the animation and soundtrack are top-notch. The first season sets the stage for even more intense and exciting episodes to come.







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