Attack on Titan, also known as Shingeki no Kyojin in Japanese, is a dark and intense anime that has captured the attention of audiences around the world. Produced by Wit Studio, it premiered in 2013 and has since spawned several seasons, movies, and spinoffs. This review will focus on the first season of the anime.
The story is set in a world where humanity is almost extinct due to the emergence of Titans, gigantic humanoid creatures who have a taste for human flesh. The few remaining humans reside within a city surrounded by walls to keep the Titans out. However, when a colossal Titan appears and destroys one of the walls, chaos ensues as the Titans invade the city.
The main protagonist, Eren Jaeger, witnesses the death of his mother at the hands of a Titan and vows to rid the world of them. He joins the Survey Corps, a military organization dedicated to exploring beyond the walls and fighting Titans. Along with his childhood friends Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlelt, they face the horrors of the Titans and uncover dark secrets about their world.
Animation and Sound
The animation in Attack on Titan is stunning, with fluid movements and attention to detail that bring the Titans and the characters to life. The sound design is also impressive, with an eerie and haunting soundtrack that adds to the overall atmosphere of the anime.
The characters in Attack on Titan are complex and well-developed, each with their own motivations and struggles. Eren is a determined and hot-headed protagonist who often makes rash decisions, but his desire to protect humanity is admirable. Mikasa is a skilled fighter who has a deep connection to Eren, while Armin is a strategic thinker who often provides crucial insights.
The anime explores themes of humanity, fear, and survival. The characters are forced to confront their mortality and the reality of living in a world where Titans exist. The idea of sacrificing one’s humanity to fight against a greater threat is also examined, with the government’s use of the Survey Corps and the military police as examples.
Overall, Attack on Titan is a gripping and intense anime that is not for the faint of heart. Its stunning animation, impressive sound design, complex characters, and thought-provoking themes make it a must-watch for fans of the genre. If you haven’t seen it yet, be prepared for an emotional rollercoaster that will leave you on the edge of your seat.